Tuesday, April 29, 2008

odd things to make sounds

Stephanie, my friend from GA, sent me this link to an online gallery of odd, ethnic (what exactly is that word supposed to imply when it comes to musical implements?), and outrageous custom built instruments from tinkerers, artisans, and sound obsessed folk from around the world. These instruments range from the creative alteration of traditional instruments to completely new creations inspired by the sonic potential of chance, math, physics, and the elements. There seems to be an even spread between electronic instruments and acoustic instruments. Each article has pictures, a brief description, and most contain sound or video samples. Some of the instruments I've heard of before but many are new to me. Its odd that I haven't been aware of this site before. I have a great deal left to explore here but so far favorites include the sea organ, the symphonic house, and the celestial harp (which incidentally sounds very similar to a processed auto harp I used in a composition a year or so ago). A quick note on this page's structure: clicking on the gallery button in the upper right hand corner reveals a much larger list than on the front page which is simply a recently added list. Something about the page design made me overlook this at first.

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