Sunday, April 6, 2008

So a blog it is....

It begins. Over the years I've had many half baked attempts at keeping a blog which have all failed for a variety of reasons... NOT THIS TIME I SAY!. One reason for doing this is to share some things I find magical in the world with others. Also, I think it will help centralize some of my thoughts, ideas, and the things that are influencing them. I have a recent interest in cataloging such things and perhaps that interest will prove lasting. Hopefully this will cover a lot of areas: music, writing, film, pictures (I just got a new digital camera), personal reviews, events in my own life. I'm trying to keep it from being solely a music blog but because of who I am, I'm sure it will lean that way to a certain degree. Hopefully it will prove an entertaining and/or enlightening diversion. Leave some comments and let me know. FYI, the title of the blog comes from a 2005 interview with Nels Cline.

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